Can anyone be a leader?

Can anyone be a leader? The answer is, “No.” Not everyone can be a leader, either because not everyone has the capabilities required to lead, or everyone does not have the opportunity to be in a leadership position…..even simpler, every team, organization or business needs followers for the leaders to lead. In fact, our world is comprised of more followers than leaders.

That answer may seem very simplistic or insensitive.  However, anyone who has the desire, motivation and opportunity can learn about leadership principles; everyone can study and understand the application of leadership. Each of us, including all who are not in leadership positions, should learn, practice and apply all that we can learn about leadership. Earning trust and respect, setting goals and mapping a course of action to accomplish the goals, building relationships, conflict resolution, motivation, accountability, discipline, and authentic communications should be high priorities for all of us to make part of who we are and how we operate in work and in life. Preparing to be a leader will make a person more successful and capable at the time when an opportunity to lead is presented.

As part of a team, as an employee in a business, as a member of a class in school, we all should strive to be the best team member we can be and practice the good principles of leadership at our level in the organization, so that our contribution to the team’s success will be maximized. By doing this we will prepare ourselves to be a leader when the opportunity comes our way. Prepare to lead with courage!

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